Computer wars: Macs fast replacing PCs in the office

Apple’s range of Mac computers are rapidly eating into the global PC market as a growing number of IT managers opt for them for their staff over the Windows machines, the results of a new survey reveal.

The switch to Macs is happening at an “unprecedented rate”, says the report, and comes at a time when the PC market itself shrinking dramatically, particularly due to the growing use of other devices, such as tablet computers, by businesses.

The PC, whether desktop or laptop, has traditionally been the computer of choice for companies around the world, who use Microsoft’s Office suite of software to help run their businesses, including Word, Excel and many more. But now that’s all changing, according to the survey, by US-based JAMF Software, a specialist in office management solutions.

Indeed, some analysts point to an “imploding” PC market, with sales falling by up to 12% year-on-year, while Apple is enjoying substantial market share gains – as much as 7.8% in the second quarter of 2015 alone. Even better for Apple, annual Mac growth is now at 16.1% while sales of major PC manufactures are almost all in decline (Acer is experiencing almost 27% in falling sales, for example).

The surge in use of Macs in the office is likely one that’s going to continue for some time, according to the JAMF survey. The overwhelming majority of IT professionals (67%) who took part in it said they believed the Mac will gain added dominance over the PC during the next three years.

Another reason for the growing switch to Macs in enterprise, the study suggests, is that more companies are now allowing their employees to bring their own devices to work, and many of them prefer Macs over PCs. The survey found that 96% of respondent companies now support Macs compared to 92% that support PCs, and that IT executives believed Macs to be far more secure than Windows machines. (Download a copy of the survey here:

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