Google Photos introduces white balance correction

Google Photos is one of the most useful, though not very popular apps of the technological giant. It allows you to keep photos in the cloud (that occupies your Google Drive space unless you are a fortunate Pixel owner with infinite cloud storage) and use intelligent search engines to find the one you need. Additionally, it has a decent photo editor built in, and quite recently it got a new feature.

Google Photos has a few features in its toolbox. You can crop and rotate the images, adjust exposure and colours. The app keeps the original copy intact, so after hours of experimenting, you know that you can always change your mind.

Lately, a new feature was added, white balance control. The pictures that are too yellow or blue can be corrected with a single click, but for those who requires more precise adjustments manual settings are available.

Currently, the new feature is available only in web- and Android versions of the app. The Android version is in the process of distribution at the moment, so don’t panic if it is not available on your device yet. However, Apple users won’t be overlooked, and these features will arrive on their devices in the near future.

For those who would like to know more about the functionality of Google Photos, a simple 6-step guide was provided.


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